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I would like to share one of my new pieces. Painting people is a new adventure for me. I just loved painting my friend Andrea's 2 children--Savanah and Jeremy. I want to do more and more.
I would like to invite you to visit the FTBOA building on Airport Rd. I am part of a stunning exhibit being held there till the end of the year. I am so thrilled to be in such incredible company! From Booth Malone to Bob Judy two of my very favorites! The artwork is topnotch. Ocala has so much talent! Please visit the exhibit if you can, you wont be disapointed!!
I am finishing up another portrait of people. This is a painting of Heidi Ramos parents on their wedding day and then their 25th Wedding anniversary. Two separate vignettes connected. This has been a challenge but so compelling. It allowed me to reconnect with one of my favorite people and someone I consider my mentor-- Lynn Hershberger, another very talented artist here in Ocala. Thanks, Lynn, for the critique. I will post this painting soon.